Keep an Eye on Massa!

3 min readAug 7, 2022

Massa is a truly decentralized blockchain controlled by thousands of nodes that solves the blockchain scaling problem with a multithreaded block graph which scales up performance massively.

  • based in france
  • team
    • +20 People
    • 5 Phd Holder
  • decentralized
    +6000 nodes already in testnet
  • permissionless
  • spam protection
  • transaction finality
    around 30 seconds
  • scalability
    around 10,000 transactions per second
  • blockclique
    • transaction sharding
    • multithreaded block graph
  • no legacy code, built from scratch
  • common coding languages
    • Rust for Core
    • Typescript, and soon Rust in for smart contracts
  • 10–15 Projects to build on Massa at Launch

Blockchains that scale to high transaction throughputs are either centralized or unsafe. Massalabs designed a new architecture, called the Blockclique, that scales transaction throughput up to 10,000 transactions per second without sacrificing decentralization.

Blockclique visualized, Source: Sadulla

Decentralized cryptocurrencies based on blockchain architecture under-utilize available network bandwidth, making them unable to scale to thousands of transactions per second. Massa defines the Blockclique architecture, that addresses this limitation by sharding transactions in a block graph with a fixed number of threads. The architecture allows the creation of intrinsically compatible blocks in parallel, where each block references one previous block of each thread. The consistency of the Blockclique protocol is formally established in presence of attackers. An experimental evaluation of the architecture’s performance in large realistic networks demonstrates an efficient use of available bandwidth and a throughput of thousands of transactions per second.

•Testnet Episode 12
Currently there are +6000 nodes running in the latest testnet episode.

Charlie Songhurst
Ariane Capital
Andurance Ventures
Aussie Capital
ZBS Capital

What do we know so far about the tokenomics:

•500.000.000 supply
•32.000.000 yearly inflation (around 6,4%)
Private Round 1 was $ 0.12 (30% unlocked @ launch then 3% monthly linear distribution over 2 years + $500k max Buy-In from 100 entities & individuals, no Whales)

Private Round 2 (for Exchange, VC and Partner onboarding) could be around $ 0.30
Public Round could be around $ 0.40

Private Round 2 and Public Round has not been decided yet and will depend on the general market.

Massa Starts with a ~200 Million Valuation

Let’s compare to other recently launched L1 Blockchain Projects:
•Aleph Zero (AZERO) peaked in April 2022 at a ~1 Billion $ Valuation

Let’s compare to L1 blockchains launched in the last 2 years
•Solana peaked in November 2021 at a ~125 Billion $ Valuation
•Avalanche in November 2021 at a ~45 Billion $ Valuation
•Algorand in September 2021 at a ~20 Billion $ Valuation

Pesimistic shortterm prediction: $ 0.80
Optimistic shortterm prediction: $ 2.00
Longterm prediction in a Bull Cycle: $ 10.00–20.00


Author: Ordinemo
state of knowledge summer 2022

